Children's Game
Games for children.
Children's Game.
The root word: Game The key phrase: Children's Games
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Dead bug game keeps children quiet
Author: Michelle Rooks
Dead bug is a game that keeps children quiet for a time. How to play the game... The children walk around until you say, "Dead bug" at that point the children lie down on the ground as fast as they can and be very still without making noises; a dead bug is not capable of moving or making a sound. You (the teacher) walk around to see if anyone is moving. For an older group if they move or make a noise they are out. If they are younger it will probably be best if you let them all stay in. After you have walked around a little you say something like "Free" or "Ok" and the children can move around again. Just repeat these steps until you get all but one child out or until they get tired of it. The last one in the game is the winner. Some people a little into the game for younger children say, "Dead bug" and leave it like that for so long the children fall asleep. In a case like that be sure to reward the children afterward for doing a good job in the game otherwise they might feel you have manipulated them.