Amateur Ham Radio Amateur ham radio.
Antique (2) Do you collect antiques?
Aquarium (2) Do you have an aquarium?
Art Do you appreciate good art?
Astronomy Look at all the stars.
Bees Beekeeping.
Bird Watching Redirection to Birds …
Boat Redirection to Boating …
Read, and Collect Book Reading, and collecting books.
Car Do you like to work on cars?
Chess What is your strategy?
Collect Collectibles (9) Collecting collectibles.
Comic Comics
Contortion How does she do that?
Craft Redirection to Crafts …
Dance (2) Do you like to dance?
Doll Collecting Doll collecting.
Drama Say it like you mean it.
Drawing and Sketching Can you draw?
Fly Aircraft I want to fly away.
Game Let's play a game.
Garden What are you growing in your garden?
Genealogy Genealogy.
Hike Hiking trail.
Home Brew Home brewing.
Hunt Don't hurt him.
Invent Inventions.
Jet Ski's Jet ski's.
Kites Kites.
Knit Knitting.
Magic and Illusion Magic and illusion.
Metal Detecting Metal detecting.
Building Models (3) Do you like to build models?
Photography Redirection to Photography …
Poet Do you like poetry?
Puppet Puppetry.
Puzzle Puzzles.
Rocks, Gems, and Minerals Rocks, Gems, and Minerals.
Scrap Book Scrap booking.
Sew You can make your own clothes.
Storm Chasing Storm chasing.
Story Telling Tell me a story.
Theater Theater.
Treasure Hunt Treasure hunting.
Woodwork Woodworking.